Construction of a Drainage Upgrade in Western Sydney
J Group Corporation was awarded works in Western Sydney by the developer as Principal Contractor. Demolition and Clearing, Soil and Water Management, Drainage, Road Works, Kerb and Gutter, as well as concrete works. Additionally, J GROUP also provided Traffic management and Testing. J GROUP were also responsible for implementing all management plans in relation with their Certified Management Systems. J GROUP worked closely with the community and produced a great result as always.
Demolition & Excavation Works in Ryde Stage 1
J Group Corporation was awarded works in Ryde NSW. T Demolition of existing houses and sheds and Excavation of materials and tree removal. J GROUP was also awarded the Sewer deviation for this project, which will include excavation, shoring, Concrete encasement, Property connections and appropriate testing.
Demolition & Excavation Works in Ryde Stage 2
J Group Corporation was awarded works in Ryde NSW. the project consisted of, Demolition of existing houses and sheds and Excavation of materials and tree removal.
Sewer and Water works in Westmead
J Group Corporation were engaged to complete Water and Sewer works out at the University of Western Sydney. These works include but are not limited to: excavation, connecting to existing pipework, Compaction testing, connections, CCTV inspections.
Sewer works Diversion in Gordon
J Group Corporation were engaged by the private client to complete the Sewer Diversion in Gordon. The pipeline was approx. 97 metres and requires J GROUP to complete a concrete encasement and the appropriate testing for works to be handed over to Sydney Water.
Botany Bay Sewerage works
J Group Corporation were engaged by the Developer to complete the Sewer works in Botany Bay. J GROUP were to complete a concrete encasement and were forced to deal with tough weather conditions due to tides. This Project had a critical path that J GROUP were to ensure this was completed accurately and to standard. J GROUP is to also carry out connection and testing works for Sydney Water hand over.
North Sydney Sewer and Water Works
J Group Corporation were awarded works in North Sydney Works included but were not limited to as follows: Construction of Potable water and Waste water infrastructure, road crossings, traffic control, removal of material from site, tree removal, connections
South Western Sydney Sewer and Water Works
J Group Corporation was engaged by the site developer to commence works in North Sydney. J Group Corporation’s works included but were not limited to: Waste Water reticulation, testing, CCTV Inspection, connection to existing maintenance hole.
South Western Sydney Subdivision
J Group Corporation landed yet another great project. With similar works to previous projects completed, these works required J Group Corporation to complete bulk earthworks, stormwater works, drainage structures and pavement works. We also supplied and constructed a retaining wall as well as the required testing.
Central West Sewerage Pumping Station
J Group Corporation were engaged to complete works out in Central West. GROUP completed the Construction of a DN300 and DN375 Sewer Rising Main. J GROUP also provided Traffic management and appropriate testing.
Sutherland Shire Town Centre Upgrade
J Group Corporation were engaged complete an upgrade of the Town Centre Car Park and These works included but were not limited to: Demolition works of existing islands, bulk earthworks, Kerb and Gutter and concrete works for the carpark, the removal of trees and civil and stormwater drainage works.
Cowpasture Road, Hoxton Park
J Group Corporation were engaged to begin works at 501 Cowpasture Road, Hoxton Park. These works included J Group Corporation to complete: Site Establishment, Traffic Control, Erosion and sediment control, Stripping topsoil, cut creek area to fill in bund and site, Replace Topsoil creek area, importing fill to site, construction of a retaining wall, Supply, lay, joint and backfill pipes and stormwater pits and re-vegetation.
Horsley Drive Business Park
J Group Corporation had been engaged to construct a sewer pipeline. These works included but were not limited to: pipelaying, construction of DN1200 maintenance holes (various depths), service connections which includes connecting to an existing maintenance hole, testing and site restoration.
Regentville Road, Mulgoa (MASTERS)
J GROUP completed works on the new MASTERS development to construct the new stormwater pipeline and necessary stormwater pits and drains.
The works also included construction of a 344m long retaining wall and also included service location, surveying, trench excavation, pipelaying, drain installation, pit installation, retaining wall footings, retaining wall constructions, steel works and concrete pouring.
Menai Stage 1 and 2 – Subdivision works
J Group Corporation have completed works at Alfords Point Road, Menai near Monash Road Stage 1,
These works included but were not limited to: Construction of Wastewater Infrastructure, Rock Excavation and Construction of maintenance structures. The new infrastructure will serve a proposed 50 lot residential subdivision
Merriville Road, Kellyville
J Group Corporation were engaged to construct Recycled Water Pipeline (steel concrete lined pipe) at Merriville Road Kellyville. These works included but were not limited to: excavation, hydrant installation, joint welding, concrete encasement (which J Group Corporation completed within the first week), connections and road restoration.
Cooks River Naturalisation Project
J Group Corporation was the Principal Contractor for this high profile project with Sydney Water; “The Cooks River Naturalisation Project” this project had attracted a lot of interest from the media, including local minister, local newspapers and the public.
This design and construct project was to replace over 1.1km of steep deteriorating concrete banks and stabilize with sandstone rocks and low growing indigenous plant this will improve the environment of the banks. Landscaping is part of this major contract, which includes 57,000 new plants and trees creating established habitat diversity for native plants and animals. Construction of new paths, shelters viewing platforms and boardwalks.
This project consisted of Three Sections:
Site 1: Cup and Saucer Creek Canterbury
Site 2: Flockhart Park to Bemish Street, Campsie; and
Site 3: Second Ave Belfield (Whiddon Reserve)
88-90 Chapman Avenue
J Group Corporation were approached to complete works out at 88-90 Chapman Avenue, Beecroft. These works were to include but were not limited to: Water and Sewer reticulation: pipe installation, property services, boring, connection, testing, traffic control and road works.
Tempe Liner Replacement
Thrust bore 400lin of 600dia plus x4 chambers at 9m in depth for Sydney Water emergency works
Canterbury Enfield Submain Aqueduct Rehabilitation Works
Implement new J GROUP GRP Liner, new concrete roof structure, and strengthening aqueduct wall
Bennelong Stormwater Channel Maintenance Hole SRP 2009-2012
Construction of 22 manholes between Millers point and Royal Botanical
Replacement 100-year-old cast iron sewer pipe under eight homes 6m under the surface
Recycled and portable water from Parramatta to Penrith
600mm + 450mm Dual
Sans Souci
Sewer Fix Program
Relaying new main, rehabilitation water ingress
Construct 60m oviform pipeline located 4.5 below lagoon
Lyons Road, Fivedock
Sewer Fix Program
Repair of oviform; consist of slight traverse decaling 8.5m deep
Sewer Fix program
Encasement of Oviform and reinstate
Sewer Fix Program
Joint venture with Insituform Pacific, Dig and repairs
Value: $5mil
Malton Road, Beecroft
Sewer fix program
SRP Rehabilitation Program 2006-2009
Sewer Fix Program
Term Contract 1 & 2
Sewer & Stormwater Rehabilitation
Civil and Road Works and Sewer
Civil and Road Works
Upper Blue Mountains
Water and Sewer
Harrington Park Subdivision
Stages 20, 21, 25,28,33,35,36
Harrington Park Subdivision
Stages 20, 21, 25,28,33,35,36
Tullimbar – Albion Park
Sewer and Water 600mm GRP, 450mm 375mm and 300mm - Albion Park
Project Manager - Joel Edwards and Associates
Lenore Lane
CASE 68573PW and 81901PW
Water Construction 450mm 300mmm 1650Ms Steel Main
Shellharbour Precinct 23
Case 46541WW and PW
150mm, 225mm 300mm Sewer and Water- Shellharbour
Shellharbour Precinct 21
Case 45223WW and PW
Sewer and Water Shellharbour
Shell Cove Stage 8
Sewer and Water- Shell Cove
Narraweena -
Sewer and Water
Caddens Road, Orchard Hills
900mm SCL –